Our Mission & Vision
Focus on Worship
We Strive to Glorify the Glory of God and mature Christians through meaningful and reflective Worship, Sound Biblical Knowledge, Selfless Service to one another, Christ-Centered Fellowship and Reconciliation motivated by Love.
Our Fellowship
The source of our unity and harmony!
In John 17:22-23, Jesus prayed this prayer to the Father, “[I pray] that they may be one, just as We are one; I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity.” As you can see our unity at church is not based on denominational affiliation, but rather in our position in Christ Jesus. The unity Christ prayed about is not an organizational unity, but a spiritual one. One body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God and Father.
At FWWM church we welcome Saints from various denominational backgrounds (based on their affirmation of classical Christianity and gospel essential truths.)
For Whosoever will Ministries
We are built on a foundation of exemplary biblical leadership, sound doctrine, a caring community of believers, unified by Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Word of God. We believe that the spiritual maturity, unity, and love expressed in our church community is the visible representation of Jesus Christ and God’s glory here on earth.
Our Team
Our Beliefs
Worship Times
Youth & Kids
Next Steps
Our Beliefs & Values
Our goal is to please Jesus Christ by being the “Church” he has created us to be. So how do we do it? By yielding to the Holy Spirit, obeying God’s word, humbling ourselves, walking in sacrificial love and cultivating a fellowship of unity.
We Recognize
We recognize there are “essential” and “non-essential” beliefs that must be understood. It’s a framework that we use to keep ourselves from arguing or from becoming divisive in our relationships with one another.
We want to make sure that if we disagree over something important, we know that it’s important, and we deal with it accordingly. If we disagree over something unimportant, however, we want to know that too.
Essential Beliefs
Important things are our “essential” doctrines., “[I pray] that they may be one, just as We are one; I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity.” As you can see our unity at church is not based on denominational affiliation, but rather in our position in Christ Jesus. The unity Christ prayed about is not an organizational unity, but a spiritual one. One body, one Spirit, one hope, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God and Father. – Ephesians 4:1-6.
Non-essential Beliefs
On the other hand, non-essential doctrines are those things that the Bible might mention, but doesn’t necessarily take a definitive stance on. If the Bible is unclear as to what a Christian should believe about a particular subject, we consider that non-essential. In other words, we can have a difference of perspective on non-essential doctrines and still both consider ourselves Christians.
There’s a lot of stuff that we do in a certain way because we like it or we think it’s the most efficient or the best way to do something, like the color of the carpet in the church or the type of music we use in worship or what kind of clothes we wear to church. We call those things preferences, and we don’t argue about preferences.
Our Highest Priority
In a world where we see division base on racial identity, ideological beliefs and yes, even Christian denominational affiliations, the true Church of Jesus Christ must do everything it can to represent His Kingdom and will, on earth, as it is in heaven. At FWWM our highest priority and commitment is to cultivate a church fellowship that pleases God through true spiritual unity and sacrificial love.
Today’s Verse
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
– John 3:16
Who We Are
Our Team & Leadership

Our Bishop: David Shaver
Bishop David Shaver is the senior Pastor and Founder of For Whosoever Will Ministries located in Killeen Texas. Bishop Shaver is recognized both nationally and internationally through his establishment of ministries in Canada, Mexico, Nigeria, and various locations throughout the United States. In 2006 Bishop Shaver received in Honorary Doctorate for his accomplishments in ministry. Bishop Shaver is married to first lady Peggy Shaver and are the proud parents of four children and grandparents of seven grandchildren.

Brian Goodsby
Associate Pastor/ Pastoral Care

Helen Adams
Deaconesses/ Coordinator of Hope in Our Hands Ministry

Preston Adams

Max McConnell
Worship Leader

Josiah Goodsby
Director of Media/Music

Alexandria Nixon
Youth Teacher

Leandria Diaz
Media/Music Leader

Michael Diaz

Joshua Nixon
Church Schedules
We Gather Every Thursday and Sunday
Thursday : 7:00 PM
Sundays: 10:45 AM
Frequently Asked Questions
What time does service start?
At FWWM Church we are all about glorifying God, representing Jesus Christ and maturing believers. We hope you will join us for worship at our Sunday morning (10:45 AM) and Thursday night (7:00 PM) services. As a warm-up to each service please join us 15 minutes prior for a time of fellowship and prayer.
How long is service?
Services typically last for 1 hour, 30 minutes [depending on the Holy Spirit’s leading]. Our aim is not to just take up time, but whole-heartedly worship God in spirit and truth, as he has commanded us to do. At FWWM Church we believe that worshiping the God who created and redeemed us should be expressed in 3-Dimensions; in Song/Dance, in Giving and by hearing and obeying the His word. Now that’s true worship!
Opening and prayer
We begin with opening words and prayer from one of our pastors or ministry leaders. This is a time in which we focus our hearts and minds on the love, grace, mercy, awesomeness of our God.
Warm welcomes and greetings
After praise and worship, we welcome newcomers by simply having them raise their hand so we can acknowledge their presence. Immediately following this, we encourage everyone to greet each other. We invite new guest to fill out a information card.
Announcements and special selection
After the offering is collected one of our pastors or a ministry leaders leads us in a prayer over the offering given.
Right after the offering prayer, church announcements are presented. If time permits, a special song selection, by a church member or special guest is performed.
Closing prayer and personal ministry
After hearing from God’s word, Pastor closes in prayer. At this time, pending on the leading of the Holy Spirit, we open the alter (stage area) up for one on one prayers with our pastors and church leaders. Whatever your needs are (salvation, family, employment, spiritual and physical healing) we, by faith, know our God is able and gracious to answer that need. During alter service we continue to worship God in song and adoration for who He is and what He has do in our lives.
Personal prayer and fellowship
Following the service, there are ministry leaders available for prayer and spiritual counseling. There is also plenty of time to fellowship and to get to know each other better. This is a vital part of who we are as a church, we believe we are “Saved to Serve”. In doing so, we demonstrate Jesus Christ’s love and sacrifice by how we serve and fellowship with one another.
What should I wear?
Come as you are! We want you to feel comfortable when you join us for a worship service. People wear anything from jeans and t-shirts to business casual.
Do you have a children’s ministry?
After the welcome and greeting time, children ages 3 to 12 will be excused to their classroom.
Your children will look forward to Sundays and Thursdays at FWWM church. From infants to elementary age, your child will have fun while learning about Jesus in an environment designed for their age group. We have created a safe environment for them through trained and experienced teachers.
Worship through song and dance
We outwardly express our worship to God through songs of adoration, thanksgiving, praise, as a response to what our God has done for us. Our worship team uses contemporary and traditional songs selected for their strong biblical content and sing-ability. We sing a mixture of contemporary, traditional and Hymn styles of music. Members and guest are encouraged to sing, clap, dance, stand or just read along with the lyrics. We are true head and heart worshippers.
Worship by giving
After welcome and greeting we transition into the second dimension of our worship, giving of the tithes and offerings. During this time anyone can give, but are under no obligation to do so. While the offering is being collected, worship music is played in the background
Worship by hearing and obeying
We outwardly express our worship to God through songs of adoration, thanksgiving, praise, as a response to what our God has done for us. Our worship team uses contemporary and traditional songs selected for their strong biblical content and sing-ability. We sing a mixture of contemporary (Elevation Worship), traditional (I’ll Fly Away) and Hymn (Amazing Grace) styles of music. We encourage members and guest to sing along, clap their hands or stand and read along with the lyrics.
Church ordinances
Once a month we also have communion (the Lord’s Supper) together. This we believe is a command that our Lord gave his church to be done in remembrance of his broken body and shed blood on the cross for us. Like communion, baptism is a command from our Lord, demonstrating a person had become a Christian by placing their faith in Jesus Christ’s death on the cross for their sins, and then being resurrected from the dead. Christian baptism are practiced by request.